Volume 17, Issue 2 (Summer 2022)                   Salmand: Iranian Journal of Ageing 2022, 17(2): 170-185 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Yasouj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yasouj, Kohgilouye-Boboyrahmad Province, Iran.
2- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Yasouj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yasouj, Kohgilouye-Boboyrahmad Province, Iran. , maredpour@iauyasooj.ac.ir
3- Social Research Center of Factors Affecting Health, Yasouj University of Medical Sciences, Yasouj, Kohgiloueh and Boyerahmad Province, Iran.
Abstract:   (4070 Views)
Objectives Due to the high prevalence of insomnia and physiological  problems in the elderly, this study aims to compare the effects of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), sleep hygiene education (SHE) and their combination on sleep quality and physiological parameters (blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen saturation in the blood) in the elderly.
Methods & Materials This is a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test/post-test/follow-up design using a control group. The study population consists of the elderly members of Jahandidegan center in Shiraz, Iran in 2018. Using a convenience sampling method and based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 80 subjects were selected and randomly divided into four groups, three experimental groups (ACT, SHE, and ACT+SHE) and one control group. The SHE and ACT programs each were presented for four weeks. The control group was put on a waiting list. The subjects were assessed with Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, a mercury sphygmomanometer, and a pulse oximeter. Data analyses were conducted in SPSS v. 23 using a two-way mixed analysis of variance and multivariate analysis of covariance.
Results Participants had a mean age of 70.41±4.05 years. the changes in sleep quality, systole blood pressure, and oxygen saturation in three experimental groups were significant after intervention (P<0.001). The highest effect on sleep quality was related to the combined therapy (0.83), followed by SHE (0.67) and ACT (0.60).
Conclusion  All three treatment methods (ACT, SHE, and combined therapy) can improve the sleep quality and consequently systolic blood pressure and oxygen saturation in the blood of the elderly. Each of these methods are useful and can improve their psychological and physical health, where the combined therapy has superiority. Training and applying these methods are recommended for health care workers in elderly care.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Psychology
Received: 2021/04/23 | Accepted: 2021/09/12 | Published: 2022/07/01

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