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Marzieh Mohamadzadeh, Dr Nasibeh Zanjari, Dr Ahmad Delbari, Dr Mahshid Foroughan, Dr Hamed Tabesh,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (Spring- In Press 2025)

Objectives: satisfactory communication is one of the important factors associated with successful aging. The study was designed to identify the dimensions of satisfactory communication from the viewpoint of Iranian older adults in 2023.
 Methods & Materials: This qualitative study was performed on 15 older adults who were selected by purposeful sampling method from Bojnurd City. Data were obtained using semi-structured interviews and were analyzed using the conventional content analysis approach. MAXQD software was used for data management.
Results: The average age of the participants was 68.64 ± 7.61 years. Four main and nine sub-main categories were developed including satisfactory communication with family (leadership, supportive-caring and daily communication), self-communication (optimistic and coping communication), communication with God (demanding and confabulating communication) and peer communication (feeling and memory sharing). The most frequent category was satisfactory communication with family.
Conclusions: According to the results, it is necessary to inform the society, the older adult’s families and their caregivers about satisfactory communication of them especially supportive-care communication. Also, considering the importance of self- communication and communication with God in satisfactory communication dimensions, it is necessary to pay attention to their need for solitude and participation in religious ceremonies. There is also a need to provide conditions for more communication between the older adults and their families and peers in the community.

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