Showing 9 results for Elder Abuse
Mahboube Karimi, Nasrin Elahi,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2008)
Objectives: Older people are a vulnerable group in the society and older people abuse is a common challenge in the domain of caring and advocating. This study aimed to investigate the elderly abuse prevalence and its relationship with individual and social characteristics.
Methods & Materials: This study was a cross-sectional study. Participants were 385 older people aged more than 60 years old who were selected randomly. Elder Abuse scale (content validity and reliability=87%) used. Data analysis conduced in SPSS.
Results: Participant's mean age was 70 years old prevalence of physical abuse was 11.7%, emotional abuse 5.18%, neglect 27.7%, abundance 23/8% and financial abuse 18/3%. There was a significant association (P=0.001) between exiting disease and type of living and also between physical dependence to others and abuse (P=0.001).
Conclusion: Despite respect to elder people in our culture, this population experience abuse specially neglect and financial ones. There fore,precise recognition of elder abuse in our society can increase the awareness and senility of responsible organizations in order to prevent and plan for an effective system, for vulnerable older people .
Majid Heravi-Karimooi, Monireh Anoosheh, Mahshid Foroughan, Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi, Ebrahim Hajizadeh,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2010)
Objectives: The purpose of this methodological study was to design and determine the psychometric properties of a new and specific questionnaire for assessing domestic elder abuse in the context of Iranian culture.
Methods & Materials: This study was conducted in three phases. In the first phase, phenomenology was applied to explore the meaning of domestic elder abuse phenomenon. In the second phase, a questionnaire was compiled, using the results of the qualitative research implemented in the first phase, in conjunction with the inductions from the expert panel. In the third phase, the psychometric properties including face validity, content validity, construct validity, internal consistency, and test- retest reliability were measured. 325 elderly people who were selected randomly participated in the last stage.
Results: The initial 78 item questionnaire designed using the results of first and second phases of study, reduced to 49 items in the process of determining the face and content validity. The result of exploratory factor analysis showed that this questionnaire contains 8 factors including care neglect, psychological abuse, physical abuse, financial abuse, curtailment of personal autonomy, abandonment, financial neglect and emotional neglect. These 8 factors explained nearly 79.93% of the variance. The results of known groups' comparisons showed that this questionnaire could successfully discriminate between subgroups of elderly people in the indexes of re-hospitalization and functional status. The internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) was 0.90–0.975. Test-retest reliability (ICC) of the questionnaire with interval time of two weeks was 0.98 (P<0.001).
Conclusion: We concluded that the Domestic Elder Abuse questionnaire with 49 items appears to be a promising tool, providing reliable and valid data helping to detect abuse among elders in different settings such as clinical settings, homes and research environments by health care providers and researchers.
Sharareh Farzanegan, Reza Fadaye Vatan, Mahboube Mobasheri, Reza Seraj, Yazdan Mansourian,
Volume 6, Issue 0 (3-2012)
Objectives: Elder abuse (Doing or not done a single or repeated act That bothers or to cause harm to an elderly) is one of the social health problems in modern societies to rise and has a prominent role in prevention education The objective of this study was to investigate elderly abuse in Persian literature.
Methods & Materials: This study identified themes related to elder abuse in Persian literature and the educational structure were developed developed In this regard, poems of poets and authors of Persian literature Using the software for Dorj book including 178 of 101 literary Persian poet and author is known and ganjur Site including large number of poets and In cases where there was no electronic versions of books were read line by line And using a library of content analysis, subjects were studied
Results: The study defined types of elder abuse and elder abuse causes of elder abuse and how to prevent abuse of the elderly that each expression is detailed in the text
Conclusion: The results of the rich Persian literature could result in abuse of elderly has been considered from two aspects 1- denounced the abuse of older 2- culture of reverence and respect for the elderly in order to prevent abuse of the elderly
Leila Mohebbi, Shahla Zahednejad, Sheida Javadi Pour, Azadeh Saki,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2016)
Objectives: Elderly people are the most vulnerable group of the society and elder abuse phenomenon is one of the most considerable challenges in the field of protecting and caring the elders. The present study was conducted in order to determine domestic elder abuse in rural area of Dezful City, Iran, and its relation with their quality of life in 2013.
Methods & Materials: The present study is a correlational cross-sectional study. By cluster random sampling method, 210 elders, aged ≥60 years and resident of Dezful City, were selected to participate in the study. Those elders, who had no cognitive disorder based on Persian version of short test of cognitive status, were entered into the study after obtaining their consent. Afterwards, the questionnaire of family elder abuse; Persian version of SF-36 questionnaire for measuring life quality from health perspective; and also questionnaire of demographic and personal information were fulfilled for them. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, the Chi-square, and t-tests.
Results: Results of the present study indicated that 60.5% of studied sample experienced at least one type of abuse. Maximum prevalence of abuse was related to emotional negligence (38.6%) and minimum level to care negligence (7.3%). At the present study, group of elders without experience of abuse had significantly better life quality than others in all 8 aspects of life quality, except for 2 aspects of physical performance and general health (P<0.05).
Conclusion: In spite of high emphasis on respecting elders in our culture, the elders experience different types of abuse. Hence, specific consideration and inducing sensitivity in relevant organizations and individuals is required to prevent the long-term consequences and effects of this issue.
Hossien Nassiri, Majideh Heravi Karimooi, Leila Jouybari, Akram Sanagoo, Maryam Chehrehgosha,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2016)
Objectives: Aging and its subsequent issues must be considered as the main challenges of the future. Studies on abuse of the elderly are very limited. This study which was conducted in 2013 and aimed to determine the prevalence and types of domestic abuse in the elderly referred to health care centers in Gorgan and Aq-Qala cities, Gorgan Province, Iran.
Methods & Materials: In this cross-sectional analytical study, through a random sampling, 465 elders aged 65 or older (125 men and 254 women), residing in the health care centers in Gorgan and Aq-Qala, were enrolled. A face-to-face interview was carried out with all participants at the health care centers. First, their cognitive states were evaluated using the Iranian version of abbreviated mental test score and if they obtained the score of 6 or higher they would be entered in the study, after taking their informed consents. Then, the domestic elder abuse questionnaire for elderly people and a questionnaire designed by the authors for collecting demographic and personal data was administered. Descriptive (percentage, frequency, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (The Chi-square, t-test) were performed using SPSS (version 16).
Results: The total frequency of elder abuse was 63.3%. The highest frequencies were related to care neglect (59.8%) and psychological abuse (53.3%) and the lowest ones belonged to physical abuse (8%) and abandonment (8.2%). Some factors, including sex (P<0.034), ethnicity (P<0.0001), location (P<0.0001), and age (P<0.035) were significantly different between the 2 groups of abused and non-abused.
Conclusion: Because of the high level of elder abuse by family, providing awareness programs for seniors, caregivers and health care providers seems to be essential to prevent and reduce the neglect and abuse of older people.
Zahra Khanlary, Masoumeh Maarefvand, Majideh Heravi Karimoo, Akbar Biglarian,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2016)
Objectives: Increasing the prevalence of elder abuse has become a health issue in developing countries, including Iran. The purpose of this investigation was the study of the effect of social work intervention with a cognitive behavioral approach on the reduction of the elderly abuse experimentation.
Methods & Materials: Twenty-nine elders participated in this study in the intervention (n=14) and control (n=15) groups. In a randomized clinical trial, elder persons and their families who met inclusion criteria were recruited from August 2014 to January 2015. They were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. Intervention group received a 5-session family based cognitive-behavioral social work (FBCBSW) intervention. The domestic elder abuse questionnaire was administered to evaluate the elder abuse at baseline, immediate post-intervention, and at 30 day post-intervention.Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Wilcoxon test were used for data analysis.
Results: All participants reported at least one type of abuse and almost 75.9% of them reported that their children were main abusers. Repeated measures ANOVA revealed that FBCBSW was successful in reducing elder abuse (total score). Wilcoxon test illustrated significant reduction in subscales of neglect care (P=0.01), psychological abuse (P=0.003), financial abuse (P=0.01), loss of personal autonomy (P=0.005), and financial neglect (P=0.02) in the intervention group while the intervention was not effective to reduce physical abuse (P=0.31).
Conclusion: The result of this study showed that FBCBSW is an effective intervention to decrease elder abuse. For future studies, implementing the same clinical trial with bigger sample size and 3 and 6 months follow up is recommended.
Marzieh Rohani, Tahereh Dehdari, Maryam Hosseinyrad, Mahrokh Alaei,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (9-2019)
Objectives The older population and frequency of elder abuse are increasing in Iran. This study aimed to determine the rate of domestic elder abuse in the elderly referring to West Health Care Centers of Tehran City, Iran (affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences), in 2018.
Methods & Materials In this cross-sectional study (descriptive-analytical type), 312 older people who referred to 18 health care centers and 34 health care stations in districts 9, 18, 21, and 22 of Tehran City, Iran between October 2017 to January 2018 were selected by random sampling method. Then, the elderly abuse questionnaire was completed for them through face to face interviews. The obtained data were analyzed by t-test and one-way ANOVA in SPSS.
Results The Mean±SD age of the participants was 67.93±6.4 years. The findings showed that 77.9% of them had experienced elder abuse from the beginning of old age. Also, 58.3% of them experienced neglect. The most and the least experienced abuses were neglect and sexual abuse, respectively. The Independent t-test showed that the participants who needed a caregiver (t=4.30, df=130.03, P <0.001); their spouse was dead (t=-2.76, df=307, P=0.006); and were treated for depression (t=2.60, df=33.36, P=0.014 (had got higher total scores of elder abuse.
Conclusion Due to the high rate of elder abuse and its dangerous effects on the quality of life of the elderly, developing proper programs to increase the awareness of the elderly and their families is essential.
Habibeh Seutodan Hagh, Hassan Rezaeipandari, Saeed Mousavi, Hamid Allahverdipour,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (2-2021)
Objectives: Elder abuse is a phenomenon that has become more apparent with the increase in aging population, but there are insufficient evidences about the prevalence of elder abuse and gender differences in this area. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the prevalence of elder abuse and its gender differences among community-dwelling older adults in Tabriz, Iran.
Methods & Materials: In this cross-sectional study, 414 older adults aged ≥60 years were recruited from health complexes and centers in Tabriz, Iran in 2018 by using random sampling method. Data collection tools were a demographic form and the Domestic Elder Abuse Questionnaire which were completed through interview. The collected data were analyzed in SPSS V. 22 software.
Results: It was reported that 52.6% had experienced abuse by family members. Emotional neglect was the most common type of elder abuse (26.6%) followed by financial abuse (17.6%). Physical abuse was the least common type of elder abuse. Except for financial abuse, older women had experienced more abuse than older men. Of those who were abused, only 31.7% recognized it as elder abuse.
Conclusion: Most of older adults experience emotional neglect and financial abuse from family members and perceive them as their normal behaviors. Older women experience more abuse than older men. It is necessary to prevent elder abuse and familiarize older adults with different types of elder abuse.
Milad Moradi, Elham Navab, Farshad Sharifi, Bahareh Namadi, Mahziyar Rahimidoost,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (3-2021)
Objectives: The present study aimed to review the effects of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on the elderly. In this study, we reviewed topics, such as the causes of COVID-19severity in the elderly; the psychological problems of the elderly; the relationship between comorbidities and COVID-19 severity, and the comparison of COVID-19 with other pandemics.
Methods & Materials: This systematic review study was conducted in 2020 by searching in international Internet search databases. Boolean Operator (AND, OR) was used for a combined search without a time limit. The search strategy was limited to Persian and English articles using the following keywords: “older adults, COVID-19, psychological problems, social isolation, elderly abuse, ageism”. Finally, based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study, the remaining 58 studies were included in the study.
Results: The results of the studies were extracted and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the elderly were examined in 8 parts, as follows: Why COVID-19 is more common in the elderly and has more complications; what are the mortality and complications of COVID-19 in the elderly; COVID-19 and underlying diseases; psychological problems caused by COVID-19 in the elderly; COVID-19 and abuse in the elderly; COVID-19and ageism in the elderly; the comparison of COVID-19 with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and influenza epidemics in the elderly, and care for the elderly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic poses serious challenges for the elderly globally. To address these challenges, everyone must work, from government officials to individuals and families. Governments should enact laws that minimize the potential age-related abuse and discrimination and provide equal opportunities for all society members, regardless of age or gender. Families should also be aware of the increasing social isolation of the elderly and keep in touch with them.