Volume 13, Issue 2 (7-2018)                   Salmand: Iranian Journal of Ageing 2018, 13(2): 182-197 | Back to browse issues page

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Orang S, Hashemi Razini H, Ramshini M, Orang T. Investigating the Meaning of Life and Psychological Well-being, in Youth, Adults, and Elderly (A Comparative Study of Three Age Groups). Salmand: Iranian Journal of Ageing 2018; 13 (2) :182-197
URL: http://salmandj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-1570-en.html
1- Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Education, International Campus, Kharazmi Univarsity, Tehran, Iran. , orang.soheila@gmail.com
2- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Education, International Campus, Kharazmi Univarsity, Tehran, Iran.
3- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
4- Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (11533 Views)
Objectives The present study aimed to examine the meaning in life and well-being of young, middle-aged, and older adults.
Methods & Materials In this research, a total of 215 participants including 84 young (aged 17-25 years), 59 middle-aged (aged 26-46 years), and 72 older adults (aged 65-80 years) were selected from Tehran city via purposive sampling. The instruments used in this study consisted of the meaning of life questionnaire and Ryffs Scales of Psychological Well-being.
Results The results of Mancova analyses showed significant differences between the three age groups. The older people had the most ability in the meaning in life, self-acceptance, positive relation with others, personal growth and purpose in life.
Conclusion Research findings indicate that age affects the meaning in life and well- being. So, elderly can be known as a self-awareness, development and relaxation.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: gerontology
Received: 2017/12/03 | Accepted: 2018/04/26 | Published: 2018/06/22

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