Volume 6, Issue 4 (1-2012)                   Salmand: Iranian Journal of Ageing 2012, 6(4): 7-13 | Back to browse issues page

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Peiman H, Yaghoubi M, Seyed Mohammadi A, Delpishe A. Prevalence of Chronic Diseases in the Elderly in Ilam. Salmand: Iranian Journal of Ageing 2012; 6 (4) :7-13
URL: http://salmandj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-470-en.html
1- Shool of Medicine, Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. , alidelpisheh@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (19467 Views)

Objectives: Extra weight and obesity are the most important preventable risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD), especially in the elderly. The present study aimed to investigate the prevalence and associated factors of obesity and hypertension (HTN) as well as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus (MD) amongst the elderly population in Ilam.

Methods & Materials: Using cluster sampling, a random sample of 121 elderly people (62.4% male) with a mean age of 70.4±11.0 years were recruited through a cross-sectional study in the city of Ilam. The height, weight and blood pressure of all samples were measured by an experienced nurse.

Results: Mean BMI was 25.3±4.2 Kg/m2. More than half the women (56.1%) and 46.2% of men were affected by either extra weight or obesity. The prevalence of medically-diagnosed CVD, hypertension and diabetes mellitus were 53%, 36.8% and 17.4%, respectively. There was no significant relationship between obesity and extra weight and CVD, HTN and DM.

Conclusion: The prevalence of chronic diseases in the studied elderly is associated with aging, literacy and too much time watching TV. In the present study, the prevalence of obesity and being overweight was similar to that of other studies done nationally, but the cardiovascular diseases and hypertension prevalence was higher. In order to decrease the prevalence of chronic diseases in the elderly population, screening and health education programs are suggested.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2011/08/20 | Accepted: 2011/12/02 | Published: 2012/01/01

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