Volume 12, Issue 4 (1-2018)                   Salmand: Iranian Journal of Ageing 2018, 12(4): 402-413 | Back to browse issues page

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Entezari M, Shamsipour Dehkordi P, Sahaf R. Effect of Physical Activity on Cognitive Flexibility and Perfectionism in the Elderly. Salmand: Iranian Journal of Ageing 2018; 12 (4) :402-413
URL: http://salmandj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-1190-en.html
1- Department of Motor Behavior and Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
2- Department of Motor Behavior, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.
3- Iranian Research Center on Aging, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran. , robabsahaf@gmail.com
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Extended Abstract
1. Objectives

Aging is a critical stage of human life and is associated with decreased cognitive processes. It has also been reported that physical activity of individuals reduces with increasing age [1-3]. It should be noted that exercise and physical activity may postpone the progression of cognitive impairment in the elderly [4, 5] and improve perfectionism [4, 6]. However, as mentioned earlier, there is evidence that cognitive factors, such as perfectionism and cognitive flexibility, decrease with age in the elderly [7, 8]. Thus, the present study aimed to determine the effectiveness of different levels of physical activity in improving cognitive flexibility and perfectionism in the elderly. 
2. Methods & Materials
This study employed the comparative-causal design for the research. The statistical population consisted of older adults present at the neighborhood center, elderly community, parks, gardens and recreational areas in districts 1 and 3 of Tehran. A total of 126 older adults were selected for the study using purposive sampling method. They were subjected to the following inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were as follows: no history of asthma, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases; lack of any organ defects; not using motion specialties such as cane and wheelchairs; no history of heart attacks; no serious damage to the skull; no history of anesthesia; no walking aids; and having a basic level of physical activity. The exclusion criterion was the lack of willingness to cooperate in the study. 
The following questionnaires were used to measure the research variables: demographic questionnaire, elderly cognitive status questionnaire, Champs Stewart’s Physical Activity Scale (2001), Hill’s Perfectionism Questionnaire (2004), and Dennis and Vander Wal’s Cognitive Flexibility Inventory (2010). Based on the results of the Champs Stewart’s Physical Activity Scale, 43 people had a high level of physical activity, 40 people had a moderate level, and 43 people had a low level of physical activity. The Metabolic Equivalent Test was used to divide the participants into three groups: a group with low activity (less than 600 Met or less than 7500 Met-min/week), moderate activity (between 600-3000 or between 7500-9999 Met-min/week) or high activity (more than 3000 Met or more than 1000 Met-min/week).
In this study, Mini-Mental Status Examination was used to assess the cognitive ability of the elderly. Thus, individuals with a score of over 25 were considered without the disorder, those with a score of 20-25 had a possibility of cognitive degradation, and those with a score of less than 20 had cognitive impairment. The present research was based on the ethical considerations of the Shahid Beheshti University.
3. Results
We found a significant difference between flexibility and perfectionism in the three groups of elderly with low, moderate and high physical activity levels. The elderly with high physical activity level have better cognitive flexibility and perfectionism (P<0.05). The elderly with high (P=0.001) and moderate (P=0.021) physical activity levels had higher mean scores in the perception of control, perception of several solutions, perception of justifications, cognitive flexibility, and perfectionism compared to those with the low level of physical activity. 
One-way analysis of variance revealed that there is a significant difference among the three groups in terms of perception of control (P=0.001, f=57.53), perception of several solutions (P=0.001, f=59.68), perception of justifications (P=0.001, f=59.01), cognitive flexibility (P=0.001, f=42.91), and perfectionism (P=0.001, f=87.77) (P<0.05). Bonferroni post hoc test was used to examine the location of pair-wise differences. The results showed significant differences between the variables of perception of control, perception of several solutions, perception of justifications, cognitive flexibility and perfectionism in the three groups of the elderly (P<0.05). 
The results of Pearson correlation coefficient showed that perfectionism is positively correlated with the variables of perception of control, perception of several solutions, perceptions of justifications, and cognitive flexibility (P<0.05). Therefore, given the R value in regression, it can be said that there is a relatively strong linear relationship between predictor variables and criterion variables. The value of R2=0.33 means that the predictor variables determine 33% of the changes in the criterion variable (perfectionism). In fact, perfectionism is positively correlated with variables of perception of control, perception of several solutions, perceptions of justifications, and cognitive flexibility (P<0.05). The variables of perception of control and perception of justifications predict perfectionism in older adults (P<0.05).
4. Conclusion
Our results indicate that the more active is an individual is, the higher is the level of cognitive affinity. The study found that older adults with continuous physical activity can reach a higher level of perfectionism and cognitive flexibility. Thus, recognizing these capabilities during the aging period can help them to develop and increase their efficiency. Planning an active life for the elderly seems to be a necessary step before it becomes a critical challenge. The purpose of this planning might be expressed in such a way that the elderly can enjoy their life along with the rest of the people.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declared no conflicts of interest.

  1. World Health Organization. The world health report 2002: Reducing risks, promoting healthy life. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2002.
  2. Alizadeh MH, Rajabi R, Gheytasi M, Minoonezhad H. [Movement theraphy (Persian)]. Tehran : University of Tehran; 2010.
  3. Chudasama Y, Robbins TW. Functions of frontostriatal systems in cognition: Comparative neuro psychopharmacological studies in rats, monkeys and humans. Biological Psychology. 2006; 73(1):19-38. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2006.01.005
  4. Dennis JP, Vander Wal JS. The cognitive flexibility inventory: Instrument development and estimates of reliability and validity. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 2010; 34(3):241-53. doi: 10.1007/s10608-009-9276-4
  5. Davis RN, Nolen-Hoeksema S. Cognitive inflexibility among ruminators and no ruminators. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 2000; 24(6): 699-711. doi: 10.1023/A:1005591412406
  6. Egan SJ. An Investigation of positive and negative perfectionism [PhD thesis]. Perth: Curtin University of Technology; 2005.
  7. Stoeber J, Damian LE. The Clinical Perfectionism Questionnaire: Further evidence for two factors capturing perfectionist strivings and concerns. Personality and Individual Differences. 2014; 3(61):38-42. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2014.01.003
  8. Martin DJ, Oren Z, Boone K. Major depressives’ and dysthymics’ performance on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 1991; 47(5):684-90. PMID: 1939715
  9. Stoeber J, Madigan DJ. Measuring perfectionism in sport, dance, and exercise: Review, critique, recommendations. In: Hill AP, editor. The Psychology of Perfectionism in Sport, Dance and Exercise; Abingdon: Routledge; 2016.
  10. Phillips SM, Wójcicki TR, McAuley E. Physical activity and quality of life in older adults: An 18-month panel analysis. Quality of Life Research. 2013; 22(7):1647-54. doi: 10.1007/s11136-012-0319-z.
  11. Chang EC, Chu CH, Karageorghis CI, Wang CC, Tsai JH, Wang YS, et al. Relationship between mode of sport training and general cognitive performance. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2017; 6(1):89-95. doi: 10.1016/j.jshs.2015.07.007
  12. Predovan D, Fraser SA, Renaud M, Bherer L. The effect of three months of aerobic training on stroop performance in older adults. Journal of Aging Research. 2012; (2):Article ID:269815. doi: 10.1155/2012/269815
  13. Netz Y, Tomer R, Axelrad S, Argov E, Inbar O. The effect of a single aerobic training session on cognitive flexibility in late middle-aged adults. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2007; 28(1):82-7. doi: 10.1055/s-2006-924027
  14. Sahaf R, Delbari A, Fadaye Vatan R, Rassafiani M, Sabour M, et al. [Validity and reliability of self-report physical activity Instruments for Iranian older people (Persian)]. Iranian Journal of Ageing. 2014; 9(3):206-217.
  15. Foroghan M, Jafari Z, Shirin bayan P, Ghaem magham Farahani Z, Rahgozar M. [Mini-mental state examination standardized cognitive Tehran (Persian)]. Advances in Cognitive Science. 2008; 10(2):29-37.
  16. Samaei S, Hooman H.A, Hasanzade Tavakoli M, Bagherian F. An investigation of psychometric properties of perfectionism inventory in Iranian sample. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2015; 205:556–63. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.09.075
  17. Fazeli M, Ehteshamzadeh P, Hashemi Sheikh Bahani SE. [The effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy on cognitive flexibility of depressed people (Persian)]. Journal of Thought & Behavior in Clinical Psychology. 2015; 9(34):27-36.
  18. Masuda A, Tully EC. The role of mindfulness and psychological flexibility in summarization, depression, anxiety, and general psychological distress in a nonclinical college sample. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine. 2012; 17(1):66-71.
  19. Hamachek DE. Psychodynamics of normal and neurotic perfectionism. Psychology. Journal of Human Behavior. 1978; 15(1):27-33.
  20. Kee N, Teixeira CM, Wang AH, Frankland PW. Preferential incorporation of adult-generated granule cells into spatial memory networks in the dentate gyrus. Nature Neuroscience. 2007; 10(3): 355-62. doi: 10.1038/nn1847
  21. Motefaker M, Sadrbafghi SM, Rafiee M, Bahadorzadeh L, Namayandeh SM, Karimi M, et al. [SuicEpidemiology of physical activity: A population based study in Yazd cityide attempt and its relation to stressors and supportive systems: A study in Karaj city (Persian)]. Tehran University Medical Journal. 2007; 65(4):77-81.
  22. Florindo AA, Hallal PC, Moura ECD, Malta DC. [Practice of physical activities and associated factors in adults, Brazil, 2006 (Spanish)]. Revista de saúde pública. 2009; 43(2):65-73. doi: 10.1590/S0034-89102009000900009
  23. Soori H. [Leisure time physical activity among adults and its association with medical services use in Ahwaz (Persian)]. Scientific Journal of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences. 2003; 9(4):34-48. 
  24. Randles D, Flett GL, Nash KA, McGregor ID, Hewitt PL. Dimensions of perfectionism, behavioral inhibition, and rumination. Personality and Individual Differences. 2010; 49(2):83-7. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2010.03.002
  25. Hill EL. Evaluating the theory of executive dysfunction in autism. Developmental Review. 2004; 24(2):189-233. doi: 10.1016/j.dr.2004.01.001
  26. Davis RN, Nolen-Hoeksema S. Cognitive inflexibility among ruminators and no ruminators. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 2000; 24(6):699-711. doi: 10.1023/A:1005591412406 
  27. Danielle SM, Dana LR, Neil AC, Stan WS, Nancy HD. A mediated of perfectionism, affect, and physical health. Journal of Research in Personality. 2006; 40(5):482-500. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2005.04.002
  28. Quested E. Profiles of perfectionism, motivation, and self evaluations among dancers: An extended analysis of Cumming and Duda (2012). International Journal of Sport Psychology. 2014; 45(4): 349-68. doi: 10.7352/IJSP 2014.45.349
  29. Taranis L, Meyer C. Perfectionism and compulsive exercise among female exercisers: High personal standards or self-criticism? Personality and Individual Differences. 2010; 49(1):3-7. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2010.02.024
Type of Study: Research | Subject: gerontology
Received: 2017/04/11 | Accepted: 2017/07/03 | Published: 2018/01/01

1. World Health Organization. The world health report 2002: Reducing risks, promoting healthy life. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2002.
2. Alizadeh MH, Rajabi R, Gheytasi M, Minoonezhad H. [Movement theraphy (Persian)]. Tehran : University of Tehran; 2010.
3. Chudasama Y, Robbins TW. Functions of frontostriatal systems in cognition: Comparative neuro psychopharmacological studies in rats, monkeys and hu-mans. Biological Psychology. 2006; 73(1):19-38. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2006.01.005 [DOI:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2006.01.005]
4. Dennis JP, Vander Wal JS. The cognitive flexibility inventory: Instrument development and estimates of reliability and validity. Cognitive Therapy and Re-search. 2010; 34(3):241-53. doi: 10.1007/s10608-009-9276-4 [DOI:10.1007/s10608-009-9276-4]
5. Davis RN, Nolen-Hoeksema S. Cognitive inflexibility among ruminators and no ruminators. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 2000; 24(6): 699-711. doi: 10.1023/A:1005591412406 [DOI:10.1023/A:1005591412406]
6. Egan SJ. An Investigation of positive and negative perfectionism [PhD thesis]. Perth: Curtin University of Technology; 2005.
7. Stoeber J, Damian LE. The Clinical Perfectionism Questionnaire: Further evidence for two factors capturing perfectionist strivings and concerns. Personality and Individual Differences. 2014; 3(61):38-42. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2014.01.003 [DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2014.01.003]
8. Martin DJ, Oren Z, Boone K. Major depressives' and dysthymics' performance on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 1991; 47(5):684-90. PMID: 1939715 https://doi.org/10.1002/1097-4679(199109)47:5<684::AID-JCLP2270470509>3.0.CO;2-G [DOI:10.1002/1097-4679(199109)47:53.0.CO;2-G]
9. Stoeber J, Madigan DJ. Measuring perfectionism in sport, dance, and exercise: Review, critique, recommendations. In: Hill AP, editor. The Psychology of Perfectionism in Sport, Dance and Exercise; Abingdon: Routledge; 2016.
10. Phillips SM, Wójcicki TR, McAuley E. Physical activity and quality of life in older adults: An 18-month panel analysis. Quality of Life Research. 2013; 22(7):1647-54. doi: 10.1007/s11136-012-0319-z. [DOI:10.1007/s11136-012-0319-z]
11. Chang EC, Chu CH, Karageorghis CI, Wang CC, Tsai JH, Wang YS, et al. Relationship between mode of sport training and general cognitive performance. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2017; 6(1):89-95. doi: 10.1016/j.jshs.2015.07.007 [DOI:10.1016/j.jshs.2015.07.007]
12. Predovan D, Fraser SA, Renaud M, Bherer L. The effect of three months of aerobic training on stroop performance in older adults. Journal of Aging Re-search. 2012; (2):Article ID:269815. doi: 10.1155/2012/269815 [DOI:10.1155/2012/269815]
13. Netz Y, Tomer R, Axelrad S, Argov E, Inbar O. The effect of a single aerobic training session on cognitive flexibility in late middle-aged adults. Interna-tional Journal of Sports Medicine. 2007; 28(1):82-7. doi: 10.1055/s-2006-924027 [DOI:10.1055/s-2006-924027]
14. Sahaf R, Delbari A, Fadaye Vatan R, Rassafiani M, Sabour M, et al. [Validity and reliability of self-report physical activity Instruments for Iranian older people (Persian)]. Iranian Journal of Ageing. 2014; 9(3):206-217.
15. Foroghan M, Jafari Z, Shirin bayan P, Ghaem magham Farahani Z, Rahgozar M. [Mini-mental state examination standardized cognitive Tehran (Persian)]. Advances in Cognitive Science. 2008; 10(2):29-37.
16. Samaei S, Hooman H.A, Hasanzade Tavakoli M, Bagherian F. An investigation of psychometric properties of perfectionism inventory in Iranian sample. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2015; 205:556–63. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.09.075 [DOI:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.09.075]
17. Fazeli M, Ehteshamzadeh P, Hashemi Sheikh Bahani SE. [The effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy on cognitive flexibility of depressed people (Per-sian)]. Journal of Thought & Behavior in Clinical Psychology. 2015; 9(34):27-36.
18. Masuda A, Tully EC. The role of mindfulness and psychological flexibility in summarization, depression, anxiety, and general psychological distress in a nonclinical college sample. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine. 2012; 17(1):66-71. [DOI:10.1177/2156587211423400]
19. Hamachek DE. Psychodynamics of normal and neurotic perfectionism. Psychology. Journal of Human Behavior. 1978; 15(1):27-33.
20. Kee N, Teixeira CM, Wang AH, Frankland PW. Preferential incorporation of adult-generated granule cells into spatial memory networks in the dentate gy-rus. Nature Neuroscience. 2007; 10(3): 355-62. doi: 10.1038/nn1847 [DOI:10.1038/nn1847]
21. Motefaker M, Sadrbafghi SM, Rafiee M, Bahadorzadeh L, Namayandeh SM, Karimi M, et al. [SuicEpidemiology of physical activity: A population based study in Yazd cityide attempt and its relation to stressors and supportive systems: A study in Karaj city (Persian)]. Tehran University Medical Journal. 2007; 65(4):77-81.
22. Florindo AA, Hallal PC, Moura ECD, Malta DC. [Practice of physical activities and associated factors in adults, Brazil, 2006 (Spanish)]. Revista de saúde pública. 2009; 43(2):65-73. doi: 10.1590/S0034-89102009000900009 [DOI:10.1590/S0034-89102009000900009]
23. Soori H. [Leisure time physical activity among adults and its association with medical services use in Ahwaz (Persian)]. Scientific Journal of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences. 2003; 9(4):34-48.
24. Randles D, Flett GL, Nash KA, McGregor ID, Hewitt PL. Dimensions of perfectionism, behavioral inhibition, and rumination. Personality and Individual Differences. 2010; 49(2):83-7. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2010.03.002 [DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2010.03.002]
25. Hill EL. Evaluating the theory of executive dysfunction in autism. Developmental Review. 2004; 24(2):189-233. doi: 10.1016/j.dr.2004.01.001 [DOI:10.1016/j.dr.2004.01.001]
26. Davis RN, Nolen-Hoeksema S. Cognitive inflexibility among ruminators and no ruminators. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 2000; 24(6):699-711. doi: 10.1023/A:1005591412406 [DOI:10.1023/A:1005591412406]
27. Danielle SM, Dana LR, Neil AC, Stan WS, Nancy HD. A mediated of perfectionism, affect, and physical health. Journal of Research in Personality. 2006; 40(5):482-500. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2005.04.002 [DOI:10.1016/j.jrp.2005.04.002]
28. Quested E. Profiles of perfectionism, motivation, and self evaluations among dancers: An extended analysis of Cumming and Duda (2012). International Journal of Sport Psychology. 2014; 45(4): 349-68. doi: 10.7352/IJSP 2014.45.349
29. Taranis L, Meyer C. Perfectionism and compulsive exercise among female exercisers: High personal standards or self-criticism? Personality and Individual Differences. 2010; 49(1):3-7. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2010.02.024 [DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2010.02.024]

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