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1- Department of Management, Faculty of Humanities, Hazrat Masoumeh University, Qom, Iran. ,
2- Department of Management, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran.
Abstract:   (2487 Views)
Objectives: With the ever-increasing expansion of the Older adults population and the increase in the complex health needs of this group, new challenges have been raised in optimal health management. Therefore, the need for new and advanced solutions in the health management of this social group has become fundamental. Artificial intelligence, as an innovative and efficient technology, can play a very effective role in prevention, early detection, and improving the quality of life of the Older adults. Considering the limitations of the existing researches in this field, the present research was conducted with the aim of explaining the practical framework of artificial intelligence in the health management of the Older adults.
Materials and methods: The current research was done with a developmental-applicative purpose and with a qualitative method and document review. With the meta-synthesis method and review of the existing literature and background in this field through domestic and foreign research databases, texts were coded using MAXQDA software, and the dimensions and components of the mentioned framework were identified and designed.
Findings: According to the findings of the review of 25 final researches, 122 initial codes in 42 selective codes and 21 concepts in 8 categories, including prediction and prevention of diseases, management of chronic diseases, organization and arrangement of medicines, smart home monitoring, communication with doctors virtually , car assistance systems, health service management, psychological support have been identified.
Conclusion: The results of the research indicate that artificial intelligence technology should be optimally used to manage the health of the Older adults, and to improve the conditions and manage the health of the Older adults, the possible applications of this tool, which is growing day by day, should be taken into consideration and through implementation. Appropriate strategies and applications of artificial intelligence achieved this goal. Finally, practical suggestions have been made in this field.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: gerontology
Received: 2024/04/27 | Accepted: 2024/08/26

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