Extended Abstract
1. Introduction
Depression is a disorder that is associated with feelings of sadness and hopelessness, and can be considered the most common and important cause of damage to the psychosocial functioning of the elderly [1, 2]. Depression often occurs in 12-16% of the elderly [3] and studies have shown that the prevalence of depression in the Iranian elderly is about 45% [4]. One of the most important issues in promoting the health and quality of life of the elderly is maintaining their independence in physical and cognitive activities and continuing to live actively [5]. The ability to perform activities reflects an important aspect of functional independence in the elderly [6] and is recognized as an effective factor in maintaining their health and success [7]. One of the important risk factors for depression in the elderly is their physical disability to perform their normal activities, and on the other hand, depression is associated with consequences such as loss of interest in daily activities, increased attachment, and lack of independence [2]. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the ability to perform daily living activities and the rate of depression in the elderly.
2. Methods & Materials
This is a descriptive analytical study with a cross-sectional design. Study population consists of all older people aged >60 years living in Maneh & Samolghan county in Iran. Multi-stage cluster sampling of health centers and then a convenience sampling was used for selecting participants. Inclusion criteria were age over 60 years, residence in the county, and willingness to participate in the study. Those who could not speak and were not mentally aware of the place and time were excluded from the study. The sample size, according to the r value obtained from 70 pilot samples (r=0.244) and statistical formulas with 95% confidence level and 80% test power, was obtained 129 which was determined to be 148 for more confidence.
In order to collect information, a demographic form, Activities of Daily Living (ADL) questionnaire with 7 items[8-10], Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) questionnaire [11-13], and 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) [14] were used. This study has an ethical approval obtained from the Research Ethics Committee of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences (Code:957/پ/95). Informed consent was obtained from all participants after ensuring them of the confidentiality of their information. Collected data were analyzed in SPSS V. 16 software and were presented by using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation). Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate the normality of quantitative data, and Chi-square test, Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis were used to compare quantitative variables.

3. Results
The results showed that 86 of participants (58.1%) were female and 62 (41.9%) were male; 109 (73.6%) had age 60-75 years and the rest aged >75 years; 102 (68.9%) were married and the rest were divorced or widowed; 114 (77%) were unemployed; 123 (83.1%) were living in rural areas; 120 (81%) are illiterate and 5 (3.3%) had high school diplomas or higher degree; 77 patients (52%) had no depression, 57 (38.5%) moderate depression and 14 (9.5%) had severe depression. In overall, 48% had depressive symptoms. In terms of ADL, 97.3% were independent and in terms of IADL, only 58.8% were independent.
Spearman correlation test was used to investigate the relationship between depression variable and instrumental/non-instrumental daily living activities. According to the results, there was a negative and significant relationship between them, meaning that depression decreases with increasing instrumental and non- instrumental daily living activities (Table 1). In order to determine the predictors of depression, a linear regression model was used which included depression as a response variable while instrumental/non-instrumental daily activities, gender, marital status, place of residence, age, and education were considered predictor variables. The value of R2 value in this model was 0.221, indicating that 22.1% of the scatter observed in this model is explained by these seven variables. The variables of instrumental/non-instrumental daily activities, gender and marital status were significant (P<0.05), but the variables of education, place of residence and age were not significant (P>0.05).
Depression= 3.317+ ADL-0.12+ IADL+ -0.43gender+ -0.355 marital status
4. Conclusion
Depression was inversely related to instrumental/non-instrumental daily living activities in the elderly. Hence, it can be said that the ability of the elderly to perform daily living activities (with and without instruments) is a good predictor of depression in them. By carefully examining the health of the elderly and their ability by health care teams and their family members, it is possible to prevent the development of their inability in perform daily living activities, as well as their depression.
Ethical Considerations
Compliance with ethical guidelines
All ethical principles are considered in this article. The participants were informed about the purpose of the research and its implementation stages. They were also assured about the confidentiality of their information and were free to leave the study whenever they wished, and if desired, the research results would be available to them.
This study was extracted from a research proposal and received financial support from the Deputy for ResearchAnd Technology of North Khorasan University of Medical Science.
Authors' contributions
Conceptualization: Marzieh Mohamadzadeh, Vahid Rashedi; Methodology: Vahidreza Borhaninejad, Mitra Hashemi; Investigation: Mitra Hashemi, Marzieh Mohamadzadeh; Writing original draft: Marzieh Mohamadzadeh, Vahid Rashedi; Review & editing: All author.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declared no conflict of interest.
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