Volume 18, Issue 1 (Spring 2023)                   Salmand: Iranian Journal of Ageing 2023, 18(1): 2-13 | Back to browse issues page

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Tajari T, Javanneshan M, Bayani M. Concepts and Images of Aging From the Perspective of Psychological Components in the Curriculum of the Primary School of the Iranian Educational System: Qualitative Content Analysis. Salmand: Iranian Journal of Ageing 2023; 18 (1) :2-13
URL: http://salmandj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2334-en.html
1- Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran. , ati.tajari@yahoo.com
2- Department of General Psychology, Faculty of, University of Social Welfare and Empowerment Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
3- Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.
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The current research aims to analyze the content of primary school textbooks in the Iranian educational system based on the psychological components of the elderly and how the books reproduce the psychological components of the elderly. Aging is a sensitive period of human life; it is a social necessity to pay attention to the psychological and biological issues and needs of this stage. Textbooks should be for the social awareness of students in supporting the elderly and creating a new and constructive attitude about their psychological components. It is essential to pay attention to the psychological dimension of the elderly in textbooks. The present research can play a crucial role in the development and advancement of this important issue at the primary level of the Iranian educational system. Therefore, this research was conducted to analyze the qualitative content of the concepts and images of aging from the perspective of psychological components in the curriculum of the primary school in Iran.
The present study was descriptive and conducted using the qualitative content analysis method. According to the topic, the psychological components of aging were first considered as a theoretical framework derived from library and documentary studies. Then, each of the components was described and correlated, and based on this, 6 components were identified; according to the theoretical and research background of the subject, the researchers identified the components that are shown in Table 1, and then based on the specified components within the desired content, they qualitatively analyzed the text and images of the textbooks from the perspective of the identified components.

The statistical population of the research included the content of the primary school textbooks of the Iranian educational system in 2020-2021. The statistical sample of the research in a purposive way and from the type of desirable items included 40 primary six-grade textbooks of mathematics (6 first-to-sixth grade books), experimental sciences (6 first-to-sixth grade books), heaven gifts (6 first-to-sixth grade books), social studies (4 third-to-sixth grade books), Quran (6 first-to-sixth grade books), Farsi reading (6 first-to-sixth grade books), and writing (6 first-to-sixth grade books); and the statistical population was consistent with the statistical sample. The unit of analysis in this research was themes (image, textual content, and activities and exercises). Each page and paragraph of the textbook was examined based on the 6 identified components.
First, the textual structure of the activities and exercises and their relationship with each of the psychological components of aging, and then the pictures of the books were analyzed in terms of relevance to the topic. The retest method was used for data reliability. Two samples of the reviewed books were presented to the expert evaluators, who were 10 people with a specialized doctorate in educational sciences-curriculum and faculty members of Farhangian University, and they were asked to review the concepts and images of the textbooks from the perspective of the psychological components of the elderly.
Regarding the component of self-acceptance, an image is shown in the textbook where the boy goes to his father, kisses his father’s hands, and the old man feels satisfied with himself (Quran, second grade, p. 51) or in an image, grandparents who make a positive self-evaluation of their present and past by seeing their descendants (third-grade grade social studies, p. 12). Another component of the psychological dimension of the elderly is “personal growth”, the presented images show that the elderly person is reading a newspaper in the park. Also, on page 11 of the same book, the grandfather gives information about academic matters to his grandson, where an old man is teaching the Qur’an correctly to small boys. Primary school textbooks have examined the issue of aging from the point of view of psychological autonomy to some extent, but texts and images in terms of content and quality of impact on primary school children, which is the period of formation of their personality, are at a low level, and indirectly introduced the elderly person disabled and impressible. One of the other crucial components of the psychological aspect of the elderly, which has received more attention in primary school textbooks, is “the relationship between the elderly and others”. This issue shows that textbooks have played an effective role in reproducing this psychological characteristic. For example, pictures and texts presented of the elderly who are talking with their family members and enjoy this conversation (Quran, first grade, pp. 30, 35, and 36), a strong relationship between the elderly and their grandchildren and giving them gifts and that the elderly are with their family members and gather around each other on various occasions, such as Yalda night and New Year. Another component of the psychological dimension of the elderly is “environment mastery”, according to which the elderly person can manage his life in terms of life and livelihood and manage his external environment. The image of an elderly woman who bakes bread for her livelihood (base sciences second grade, p. 102; Farsi reading second grade, p. 46) and a grandfather who is taking out beets (Farsi reading second grade, p. 13) and another old man who is selling his products, such as yogurt and milk in the market (Farsi reading second grade, p. 47), the last psychological component of the elderly which is vital and gives hope and meaning to their lives is “consciousness in life”. Examining the texts and pictures of the textbooks in the “consciousness of life” feature showed that the textbooks did not reproduce this feature well.
Primary school textbooks have examined the issue of aging from a psychological point of view to some extent, but the texts and images have been at a low level in terms of content and quality of impact on primary school children, and it has indirectly introduced the elderly as disabled and impressible. Therefore, the mentioned textbooks do not strongly reproduce the psychological features of the elderly; the presented image of them focuses more on the characteristic of communication with others and neglects other psychological components. Attitudes formed in childhood play a significant role in adulthood decisions. We should try to revive these psychological features in textbooks. It seems that the primary school curriculum needs a fundamental revision based on the psychological components of the elderly. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to these neglected components and includes them in textbooks to help educate students to accept the elderly and their experiences.

Ethical Considerations
Compliance with ethical guidelines

All ethical principles were considered in this article.

This research did not receive any grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or non-profit sectors. 

Authors' contributions
Conceptualization, methodology and formal analysis, writing, review and editing and project management: Tayebeh Tajari; Software, validation, research, resources, data management and supervision: All authors; Writing and preparation of the main draft: Marziyeh Bayani.

Conflicts of interest
The authors declared no conflict of interest.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: gerontology
Received: 2021/10/19 | Accepted: 2022/03/02 | Published: 2023/03/30

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